Friday, January 25, 2008

Carl Albing, Michael Schwarz, «Java Application Development on Linux»

Carl Albing, Michael Schwarz, «Java Application Development on Linux»Prentice Hall PTR ISBN 013143697X 2004 Year CHM 1,66 Mb 600 Pages

Determined to spare other developers hours of trial and error, the authorsAlbing and Schwarz demonstrate the platform, tools, and application development by constructing a real-world, database-driven budget application. After a simple command-line application introduces basic tools, this program leads readers through business logic object analysis, database design, Java servlet UIs, Java Server Pages (JSP) UIs, Swing GUIs, and Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) GUIs. Scaling up to the enterprise level provides the opportunity to use the JBoss Application Server and Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB). The authors conclude by demonstrating how a hierarchy of budgets can be created, tracked, and shared with Concurrent Versions System (CVS). A companion Website includes all source code and a link to each tool described.Readers learn how to: Use development tools available on Linux, such as the GNU Compiler for Java (gcj), Ant, the NetBeans IDE, IBM's Eclipse Java IDE, JUnit, and SunONE Studio Develop business logic layers using Java DataBase Connectivity (JDBC) Add a Web interface using servlets and JSPs Add a GUI using Sun's Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) and IBM's SWT Deploy EJBs in LinuxThe authors conclude by demonstrating how a hierarchy of budgets can be created, tracked, and shared with Concurrent Versions System (CVS). A companion Website includes all source code and a link to each tool described.

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