Friday, January 25, 2008

1,001 Ways to Get Promoted

1,001 Ways to Get Promoted
by David E. Rye
Career Press
ISBN: 1564144305 Pub
Date: 01/01/00

The Challenge of Promoting Yourself
What does it mean to promote yourself? Is the promotion game worth spending your energy on?
Employees often get locked into playing the corporate game where someone else sets the speed of the
treadmill and dictates how fast to run. Conversely, playing the promotional game can be a lot of fun
because you control the speed of the treadmill and determine what promotional plays to use to move
yourself up the corporate ladder. If you play the game right, you’ll come out a winner and get promoted
along the way.
Let’s face it, business is a game where power and influence are required to get ahead. The object of the
game is simple enough: Determine where you want to be on the corporate ladder, and then try to get
there! Some people play the game for money, some for job security, others for recognition or personal
objectives. When you play the promotion game, you will need to make rapid, complex moves if you
want to win.
To successfully play the promotion game, you must first learn how the game is played and what
techniques or strategies it takes to win. Your challenge along the way will be to refine your moves to a
fine, cutting edge. Here’s how the game is played: There are seven essential promotional tenets that you
must learn to master in order to win. Like rungs in the ladder, once you have mastered one, you move up
the ladder to the next rung. Although each tenet is autonomous and distinct from the others, they all
interact to form a cohesive, interactive strategy that, if properly employed, will catapult you up to the top
of the ladder, where you will meet or exceed your most ambitious promotional dream.

.. click the link below for download.

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