Friday, January 25, 2008

More Java Pitfalls: 50 New Time-Saving Solutions and Workarounds by Michael C. Daconta

More Java Pitfalls: 50 New Time-Saving Solutions and Workarounds by Michael C. Daconta, Kevin T. Smith, Donald Avondolio, W. Clay RichardsonPublisher: Wiley; 1 edition (February 3, 2003) ISBN: 0471237515 PDF 3 Mb 300 pages- Building on the success of Java Pitfalls (0-471-36174-7), this book provides more specific programming solutions to fifty difficult Java programming problems - Shows experienced programmers how to identify and avoid weaknesses in Java and related J2EE technologies that can cause programs to go haywire - Explores advanced topics including networking, XML and Java programming, and the Java Virtual Machine

Java Regular Expressions: Taming the java.util.regex Engine

Java Regular Expressions: Taming the java.util.regex Engine by Mehran HabibiApress ISBN: 1590591070 2004. 256 p. RARed CHM 1MBJava has always been an excellent language for working with objects. But Java’s text manipulation mechanisms have always been limited, compared to languages like AWK and Perl. On the flip side, a new regular expressions package in Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) brings hope to the Java text mechanisms. This package provides you everything necessary to use regular expressions—all packaged in a simplified object-oriented framework. In addition to working examples and best practices, this book features a detailed API reference with examples supporting nearly every method, and a step-by-step tutorial to create your own regular expressions. With time, you’ll discover that regular expressions are extremely powerful in your programming arsenal—and you’ll enjoy using them! And once you’ve mastered these tools, you’ll ponder how you ever managed without them.

Secrets Series Of Java By Elliotte Rusty Harold

Elliotte Rusty Harold, «Java Secrets» (Secrets Series)Wiley Publishing ISBN 0764580078 1997 Year PDF 900 Pages 1,7 MbJava is generally a well-documented language, but not every language feature is fully specified, documented, or identical across all platforms. Java Secrets takes you into this Java twilight zone and introduces you to the language’s hidden power. The book’s first section explores the inner workings of many Java mechanisms, including representation of data types in memory, argument passing, and the implementation of strings and arrays. The author also investigates niceties of threading models and garbage collection as implemented on different Java platforms.A large group of undocumented classes (the sun.* packages) constitute what amounts to an undocumented Java application programming interface (API). The next large section of Java Secrets details these classes and how to use them safely. Although these classes ostensibly exist to support the Java environment, you’ll learn how to use many of their interfaces for a variety of tasks including layout management; FTP, HTTP, mail, and news communication; data encoding; and character conversion. A final big chunk of the book is devoted to techniques for adding platform-dependent features to Java applications. This is a controversial subject for a supposedly platform-independent programming system, but the author provides a balanced assessment of the benefits and drawbacks.All in all, this is one of the most interesting, unusual, and engagingly written books on Java programming we’ve seen. It’s hard to imagine a serious Java programmer who wouldn’t find it well worth his or her time

Pro Java ME MMAPI By Vikram Goyal

Pro Java ME MMAPI: Mobile Media API for Java Micro Edition (Pro) by Vikram GoyalPublisher: Apress (May 1, 2006) ISBN: 1590596390 PDF 2,4 Mb 250 pagesMobile Media API is a low-footprint and versatile API that enables you to create multimedia applications in Java-enabled phones. With this API, it is possible to add and control audio-, video-, and image-based media to MIDlets from different sources. Pro Java ME MMAPI explores this API in great detail. This book explains the API's architecture and covers how this architecture sits with the Mobile Independent Device Profile (MIDP). The book also shows you how to best use the multimedia capabilities of a Java-enabled phone. This book includes detailed examples that cover the necessary basics, like audio playback and tone generation, to advanced issues, like synchronized media playback, video capture, and live radio stream. The book incorporates a mobile phone to model these examples, in addition to the Java Wireless Toolkit emulators.

Pro Java ME MMAPI By Vikram Goyal

Enterprise Java Security: Building Secure J2EE Applications

Enterprise Java Security: Building Secure J2EE Applications Addison Wesley February 2004 0-321-11889-8 608 Pages 3.9 MBBook Description:Enterprise Java™ Security: Building Secure J2EE™ Applications provides application developers and programmers with the know-how they need to utilize the latest Java security technologies in building secure enterprise infrastructures. Written by the leading Java security experts at IBM, this comprehensive guide covers the current status of the Java™ 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE), and Java™ 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE™), security architectures and offers practical solutions and usage patterns to address the challenges of Java security.To aid developers who need to build secure J2EE applications, Enterprise Java™ Security covers at length the J2EE security technologies, including the security aspects of servlets, JavaServer Pages(TM) (JSP™), and Enterprise JavaBeans™ (EJB™)—technologies that are at the core of the J2EE architecture. In addition, the book covers Web Services security.Examples and sample code are provided throughout the book to give readers a solid understanding of the underlying technology.The relationship between Java and cryptographic technologies is covered in great detail, including:* Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA)* Java Cryptography Extension (JCE)* Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS)* Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME)* Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE)

Quick Time for Java: A Developer's Notebook by Chris Adamson

Quick Time for Java: A Developer's Notebook by Chris AdamsonPublisher: O'Reilly Media; 1 edition (February 1, 2005) ISBN-10: 0596008228 CHM 2,4 Mb 233 pagesQuickTime Java (QJT) is a terrific multimedia toolkit, but it's also terrifying to the uninitiated. Java developers who need to add audio, video, or interactive media creation and playback to their applications find that QTJ is powerful, but not easy to get into. In fact, when it comes to class-count, QuickTime Java is nearly as large as all of Java 1.1. Once you learn the entire scope of Apple's QuickTime software, you really appreciate the problem. At its simplest, QuickTime allows Mac and Windows users to play audio and video on their computers. But QuickTime is many things: a file format, an environment for media authoring, and a suite of applications that includes browser plug-ins for viewing media within a web page, a PictureViewer for working with still pictures, QuickTime Streaming Server for delivering streaming media files on the Internet in real time, and QuickTime Broadcaster for delivering live events on the Internet. Among others. As if that weren't daunting enough, the javadocs on QJT are wildly incomplete, and other books on the topic are long out of date and not well regarded, making progress with QTJ extremely difficult. So what can you do? Our new hands-on guide, QuickTime Java: A Developer's Notebook, not only catches up with this technology, but de-mystifies it. This practical "all lab, no lecture" book is an informal, code-intensive workbook that offers the first real look at this important software. Like other titles in our Developer's Notebook series, QuickTime Java: A Developer's Notebook is for impatient early adopters who want get up to speed on what they can use right now. It's deliberately light on theory, emphasizing example over explanation and practice over concept, so you can focus on learning by doing. QuickTime Java: A Developer's Notebook gives you just the functionality you need from QTJ. Even if you come to realize that 95% of the API is irrelevant to you, this book will help you master the 5% that really counts.

Marco Pistoia, et al, «Enterprise Java Security: Building Secure and Robust J2EE Applications»

Marco Pistoia, et al, «Enterprise Java Security: Building Secure and Robust J2EE Applications»Addison-Wesley Professional ISBN 0321118898 2004 Year CHM 4,09 Mb 416 Pages

\"For a long time, there has been a need for a J2EE(TM) security book. I am very happy to see there is now a book that can answer many of the technical questions that developers, managers, and researchers have about such a critical topic. I am sure that this book will contribute greatly to the success of the J2EE platform and e-business.\"-From the Foreword by Steven A. Mills, Senior Vice President and Group Executive, Software Group, IBM CorporationEnterprise Java(TM) Security: Building Secure J2EE(TM) Applications provides application developers and programmers with the know-how they need to utilize the latest Java security technologies in building secure enterprise infrastructures. Written by the leading Java security experts at IBM, this comprehensive guide covers the current status of the Java(TM) 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE), and Java(TM) 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE(TM)), security architectures and offers practical solutions and usage patterns to address the challenges of Java security.To aid developers who need to build secure J2EE applications, Enterprise Java(TM) Security covers at length the J2EE security technologies, including the security aspects of servlets, JavaServer Pages(TM) (JSP(TM)), and Enterprise JavaBeans(TM) (EJB(TM))—technologies that are at the core of the J2EE architecture. In addition, the book covers Web Services security.Examples and sample code are provided throughout the book to give readers a solid understanding of the underlying technology.The relationship between Java and cryptographic technologies is covered in great detail, including:- Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) - Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) - Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) - Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) - Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE)

Beginning POJOs: Lightweight Java Web Development Using Plain Old Java Objects in Spring, Hibernate, and Tapestry by Brian Sam

Beginning POJOs: Lightweight Java Web Development Using Plain Old Java Objects in Spring, Hibernate, and Tapestry by Brian Sam-BoddenPublisher: Apress (March 24, 2006) ISBN: 1590595963 PDF 7,61 Mb 424 pagesBeginning POJOs introduces you to open source lightweight web development using Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs) and the tools and frameworks that enable this. Tier by tier, this book guides you through the construction of complex but lightweight enterprise Java-based web applications. Such applications are centered around several major open source lightweight frameworks, including Spring, Hibernate, Tapestry, and JBoss (including the new lightweight JBoss Seam). Additional support comes from the most successful and prevalent open source tools: Eclipse and Ant, and the increasingly popular TestNG. This book is ideal if you're new to open source and lightweight Java. You'll learn how to build a complete enterprise Java-based web application from scratch, and how to integrate the different open source frameworks to achieve this goal. You'll also learn techniques for rapidly developing such applications.

Tricks of the Java Programming Gurus

Tricks of the Java Programming GurusSams Publishing ISBN: 1575211025 847 pages July 1996 CHM 2 MbThis book is a guide for the experienced Java programmer who wants to take his Java skills beyond simple animation and applets. It will show the reader how to streamline his Java code, how to achieve unique results with undocumented tricks, and how to add advanced level functions to his existing Java programs. - Skilled Java professionals show how to improve garbage collection before and after compilation for improved performance - Provides a fast-paced guide to advanced Java programming - CD-ROM includes all the source code from the book


Sun.Microsystems.Fundamentals.of.the.Java.Programming.Language.WJB.110A-SoSISOFiles: 09x15MB Format: bin/cue Course Length: 16 HoursThe Fundamentals of the Java Programming Language course provides students who have little or no programming experience with the basics of programming using the Java programming language. This course teaches the significance of object-oriented programming, the keywords and constructs of the Java programming language, and the steps required to create simple Java technology programs. Students taking this course receive a solid basis in the Java programming language upon which to base continued work and training.

Sun Microsystems Java Programming Language WJB 275A

Sun Microsystems Java Programming Language WJB 275A l 205 MBThe Java Programming Language course provides students with information about the syntax of the Java programming language; object-oriented programming with the Java programming language; creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs), exceptions, file input/output (I/O), and threads; and networking. Programmers familiar with object-oriented concepts can learn how to develop Java technology applications. The course uses the Java 2 Software Development Kit, Standard Edition (J2SE SDK), version 5.0.

Carl Albing, Michael Schwarz, «Java Application Development on Linux»

Carl Albing, Michael Schwarz, «Java Application Development on Linux»Prentice Hall PTR ISBN 013143697X 2004 Year CHM 1,66 Mb 600 Pages

Determined to spare other developers hours of trial and error, the authorsAlbing and Schwarz demonstrate the platform, tools, and application development by constructing a real-world, database-driven budget application. After a simple command-line application introduces basic tools, this program leads readers through business logic object analysis, database design, Java servlet UIs, Java Server Pages (JSP) UIs, Swing GUIs, and Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) GUIs. Scaling up to the enterprise level provides the opportunity to use the JBoss Application Server and Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB). The authors conclude by demonstrating how a hierarchy of budgets can be created, tracked, and shared with Concurrent Versions System (CVS). A companion Website includes all source code and a link to each tool described.Readers learn how to: Use development tools available on Linux, such as the GNU Compiler for Java (gcj), Ant, the NetBeans IDE, IBM's Eclipse Java IDE, JUnit, and SunONE Studio Develop business logic layers using Java DataBase Connectivity (JDBC) Add a Web interface using servlets and JSPs Add a GUI using Sun's Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) and IBM's SWT Deploy EJBs in LinuxThe authors conclude by demonstrating how a hierarchy of budgets can be created, tracked, and shared with Concurrent Versions System (CVS). A companion Website includes all source code and a link to each tool described.

Java Development on PDAs

Java Development on PDAs: Building Applications for Pocket PC and Palm DevicesAddison-Wesley Professional; 1st edition ISBN: 0201719541 256 pages June 4, 2003 CHMWith the release of Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME), Sun Microsystems opened Java to the rapidly expanding Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) market.This comprehensive tutorial and reference provides an in-depth look at developing PDA software with J2ME and PersonalJava, covering both Palm and PocketPC devices. Succinct and practical, Java™ Development on PDAs focuses on real-world programming tasks with extensive code examples and an end-to-end PDA application demonstrating techniques for integrating devices with the enterprise via Web services.This book describes the J2ME platform and PersonalJava and discusses design issues specific to resource-constrained devices. It also provides in-depth coverage of networking and Internet access, the user interface, data storage, and integrating PDAs into the corporation. You will learn to develop Java applications for PocketPC and Palm devices through in-depth coverage of:* J2ME configurations* CLDC and CDC profiles* Selecting a PDA for development* PDA development tools* Designing for constrained computational capability* Designing for constrained screen and memory size* PDA user interfaces* Storing information on the devices* The Generic Connection Framework* Internet access from a Java PDA application via a GSM phone and Bluetooth* Accessing Web services from Palm and PocketPC devicesJava™ Development on PDAs concludes with a look into the future of PDA technology and the expanding role of these devices in the enterprise.Written for anyone with a basic knowledge of Java, this important resource is a must-have for all those interested in the Palm OS and PocketPC markets.

Java Development on PDAs

Java Development on PDAs: Building Applications for Pocket PC and Palm DevicesAddison-Wesley Professional; 1st edition ISBN: 0201719541 256 pages June 4, 2003 CHMWith the release of Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME), Sun Microsystems opened Java to the rapidly expanding Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) market.This comprehensive tutorial and reference provides an in-depth look at developing PDA software with J2ME and PersonalJava, covering both Palm and PocketPC devices. Succinct and practical, Java™ Development on PDAs focuses on real-world programming tasks with extensive code examples and an end-to-end PDA application demonstrating techniques for integrating devices with the enterprise via Web services.This book describes the J2ME platform and PersonalJava and discusses design issues specific to resource-constrained devices. It also provides in-depth coverage of networking and Internet access, the user interface, data storage, and integrating PDAs into the corporation. You will learn to develop Java applications for PocketPC and Palm devices through in-depth coverage of:* J2ME configurations* CLDC and CDC profiles* Selecting a PDA for development* PDA development tools* Designing for constrained computational capability* Designing for constrained screen and memory size* PDA user interfaces* Storing information on the devices* The Generic Connection Framework* Internet access from a Java PDA application via a GSM phone and Bluetooth* Accessing Web services from Palm and PocketPC devicesJava™ Development on PDAs concludes with a look into the future of PDA technology and the expanding role of these devices in the enterprise.Written for anyone with a basic knowledge of Java, this important resource is a must-have for all those interested in the Palm OS and PocketPC markets.

Java Database Programming with JDBC

Java Database Programming with JDBC:Discover the Essentials for Developing Databases for Internet and Intranet ApplicationsISBN: 1576100561 PDF 1.0 Mb (rar) 209 Pages Publisher: Coriolis Group Books; (September 13, 1996)Teaches you how to develop Java programs, from start to finish, for connecting to databases using Java's new database connectivity environment, JDBC. Tells how to easily install drivers for most databases. Features a section on programming ODBC Java programs, including a robust ODBC client template for developing your own applications. Features a handy, ready-to-use Interactive SQL query client, including fully-explained and annotated source code. Teaches how to write your own database drivers for the JDBC. Reveals how to optimize your Java database programs for maximum efficiency and minimum time.

Concurrent and Real-Time Programming in Java

Concurrent and Real-Time Programming in JavaJohn Wiley & Sons ISBN: 047084437X 446 pages November 15, 2004 CHMReal-time functionality is essential for developing many consumer, industrial, and systems devices. While the C/C++ programming language is most often used in the creation of real-time software, the Java language, with its simple and familiar object-oriented programming model, offers many advantages over current real-time practices. Concurrent and Real-Time Programming in Java covers the motivations for, and semantics of, the extensions and modifications to the Java programming environment that enable the Java platform (Virtual Machine) to meet the requirements and constraints of real-time development. Key aspects of concurrent and real-time programming and how they are implemented in Java are discussed, such as concurrency, memory management, real-time scheduling, and real-time resource sharing.

Java & XML

Java & XML (2006)by Brett McLaughlin, Justin EdelsonO'Reilly Media ISBN 059610149X December 1, 2006 CHM 465 Pages 3,7 MbJava and XML, 3rd Edition, shows you how to cut through all the hype about XML and put it to work. It teaches you how to use the APIs, tools, and tricks of XML to build real-world applications. The result is a new approach to managing information that touches everything from configuration files to web sites.After two chapters on XML basics, including XPath, XSL, DTDs, and XML Schema, the rest of the book focuses on using XML from your Java applications. This third edition of Java and XML covers all major Java XML processing libraries, including full coverage of the SAX, DOM, StAX, JDOM, and dom4j APIs as well as the latest version of the Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) and Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB). The chapters on web technology have been entirely rewritten to focus on the today's most relevant topics: syndicating content with RSS and creating Web 2.0 applications. You'll learn how to create, read, and modify RSS feeds for syndicated content and use XML to power the next generation of websites with Ajax and Adobe Flash.

The Java Web Services Tutorial by Eric Armstrong

The Java Web Services Tutorial by Eric Armstrong, Stephanie Bodoff, Debbie Carson, Maydene Fisher, Dale Green, Kim HaasePublisher: Pearson Education; Bk&CD-Rom edition (March 15, 2002) ISBN: 0201768119 CHM 1,1 Mb 528 pagesThe Java™ Web Services Tutorial is a comprehensive, example-driven, "roll up your sleeves and dive in" guide to building Web services applications with Java™ technology. This edition provides a head start on using the Java Web Services Developer Pack (WSDP) from Sun Microsystems. This complete, ready-to-use package includes a variety of technologies and tools required to build and deploy comprehensive Web services applications today.Web services offer powerful new ways for enterprises to effectively communicate with each other using diverse computing hardware. This paradigm takes the Java platform's "Write Once, Run Anywhere™" capabilities to a new level by providing a completely portable data model. By supporting the latest standards for XML-based Web services, the Java APIs for XML make it easy to build Web services with minimal hand tweaking of data. This tutorial explains these APIs in detail and provides practical examples to reinforce your understanding of key concepts.

Java Precisely by Peter Sestoft

Java Precisely by Peter SestoftPublisher: The MIT Press (June 14, 2002) ISBN: 0262692767 PDF 0,9 Mb 128 pagesJava Precisely provides a concise reference for the Java programming language and some of its essential libraries. The book covers Java 2, versions 1.3 and 1.4. It is intended both for students learning Java and for more experienced Java programmers. Though written informally, it describes the language in detail and provides many examples. To improve clarity, most of the general rules appear on left-hand pages with the relevant examples on the opposite right-hand pages.

More Java Pitfalls

More Java Pitfalls: 50 New Time-Saving Solutions and Workarounds by Michael C. Daconta, Kevin T. Smith, Donald Avondolio, W. Clay RichardsonPublisher: Wiley; 1 edition (February 3, 2003) ISBN: 0471237515 PDF 3 Mb 300 pages- Building on the success of Java Pitfalls (0-471-36174-7), this book provides more specific programming solutions to fifty difficult Java programming problems - Shows experienced programmers how to identify and avoid weaknesses in Java and related J2EE technologies that can cause programs to go haywire - Explores advanced topics including networking, XML and Java programming, and the Java Virtual Machine

Java Swing, Second Edition

Java Swing, Second EditionO'Reilly Media, Inc.; 2 edition ISBN: 0596004087 1280 pages November 1, 2002 CHM 6 MbSwing is a fully-featured user interface development kit for Java applications. Building on the foundations of the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT), Swing enables cross-platform applications to use any of several pluggable look-and-feels. Swing developers can take advantage of its rich, flexible features and modular components, building elegant user interfaces with very little code. This second edition of Java Swing thoroughly covers all the features available in Java 2 SDK 1.3 and 1.4. More than simply a reference, this new edition takes a practical approach. It is a book by developers for developers, with hundreds of useful examples, from beginning level to advanced, covering every component available in Swing. All these features mean that there's a lot to learn. Even setting aside its platform flexibility, Swing compares favorably with any widely available user interface toolkit--it has great depth. Swing makes it easy to do simple things but is powerful enough to create complex, intricate interfaces. Java Swing, 2nd edition includes: * A new chapter on Drag and Drop * Accessibility features for creating a user interface meeting the needs of all users * Coverage of the improved key binding infrastructure introduced in SDK 1.3 * A new chapter on JFormattedTextField and input validation * Mac OS X coverage and examples * Coverage of the improved focus system introduced in SDK 1.4 * Pluggable Look-and-Feel coverage * Coverage of the new layout manager, SpringLayout, from SDK 1.4 * Properties tables that summarize important features of each component * Coverage of the 1.4 Spinner component * Details about using HTML in components * A new appendix listing bound actions for each component * A supporting web site with utilities, examples, and supplemental materials Whether you're a seasoned Java developer or just trying to find out what Java can do, you'll find Java Swing, 2nd edition an indispensable guide.

XML, XSLT, Java, and JSP: A Case Study in Developing a Web Application

XML, XSLT, Java, and JSP: A Case Study in Developing a Web ApplicationPublisher:New Riders Press (2001-07-19) ISBN-10: 0735710899 PDF 4.3 Mb 768 pagesAs a Web Developer, you know the challenge of building robust applications on multiple platforms. Creating truly portable applications becomes possible by using Java for code and XML for organizing and managing data. "XML, XSLT, Java, and JSP:A Case Study" will help you maximize the capabilities of XML, XSLT, Java, and JSP in your Web applications.The author, Westy Rockwell, uses the hands-on approach of a case study to show you how to use these technologies in realistically complex situations. All the tools used in the case study are free, so you can obtain them and join the author in a real open source web chat application, available online and with the book CD-ROM. This book provides you with the information you need to fully utilize XML, XSLT, Java, and JSP in your web applications, and presents it in a practical and unique way through the case study.With "XML, XSLT, Java, and JSP: A Case Study," you will learn how to:-Build web applications based on XML, XSLT, Java Applets, Java Servlets and Java Server Pages-Set up a Win32 Web application development environment based on the Java(TM) 2 SDK and freely obtainable, open-source software products from Apache Software Foundation: Tomcat, Xerces and Xalan(*Note all of these items are located on the CD-ROM attached with the book so you don't have to take the time to download)-Use XML as a language to express the architecture and design of the application itself, not just its data content-Create a browseable user interface for your web application with JSP-Use an Http Servlet, beans, and JSP custom tags to implement and control Web applications-Make and deploy a Java Applet to control and refresh your Web application user interface-Utilize Xerces and Xalan for XML and XSLT, to provide dynamic content to a Web application.-Experiment with new techniques for XML storage using Java objects

Java Regular Expressions

Java Regular Expressions: Taming the java.util.regex Engine by Mehran HabibiApress ISBN: 1590591070 2004. 256 p. RARed CHM 1MBJava has always been an excellent language for working with objects. But Java’s text manipulation mechanisms have always been limited, compared to languages like AWK and Perl. On the flip side, a new regular expressions package in Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) brings hope to the Java text mechanisms. This package provides you everything necessary to use regular expressions—all packaged in a simplified object-oriented framework. In addition to working examples and best practices, this book features a detailed API reference with examples supporting nearly every method, and a step-by-step tutorial to create your own regular expressions. With time, you’ll discover that regular expressions are extremely powerful in your programming arsenal—and you’ll enjoy using them! And once you’ve mastered these tools, you’ll ponder how you ever managed without them.


Elliotte Rusty Harold, «Java Secrets» (Secrets Series)

Elliotte Rusty Harold, «Java Secrets» (Secrets Series)Wiley Publishing ISBN 0764580078 1997 Year PDF 900 Pages 1,7 MbJava is generally a well-documented language, but not every language feature is fully specified, documented, or identical across all platforms. Java Secrets takes you into this Java twilight zone and introduces you to the language’s hidden power. The book’s first section explores the inner workings of many Java mechanisms, including representation of data types in memory, argument passing, and the implementation of strings and arrays. The author also investigates niceties of threading models and garbage collection as implemented on different Java platforms.A large group of undocumented classes (the sun.* packages) constitute what amounts to an undocumented Java application programming interface (API). The next large section of Java Secrets details these classes and how to use them safely. Although these classes ostensibly exist to support the Java environment, you’ll learn how to use many of their interfaces for a variety of tasks including layout management; FTP, HTTP, mail, and news communication; data encoding; and character conversion. A final big chunk of the book is devoted to techniques for adding platform-dependent features to Java applications. This is a controversial subject for a supposedly platform-independent programming system, but the author provides a balanced assessment of the benefits and drawbacks.All in all, this is one of the most interesting, unusual, and engagingly written books on Java programming we’ve seen. It’s hard to imagine a serious Java programmer who wouldn’t find it well worth his or her time

Ebook Pro Java ME MMAPI

Pro Java ME MMAPI: Mobile Media API for Java Micro Edition (Pro) by Vikram GoyalPublisher: Apress (May 1, 2006) ISBN: 1590596390 PDF 2,4 Mb 250 pagesMobile Media API is a low-footprint and versatile API that enables you to create multimedia applications in Java-enabled phones. With this API, it is possible to add and control audio-, video-, and image-based media to MIDlets from different sources. Pro Java ME MMAPI explores this API in great detail. This book explains the API's architecture and covers how this architecture sits with the Mobile Independent Device Profile (MIDP). The book also shows you how to best use the multimedia capabilities of a Java-enabled phone. This book includes detailed examples that cover the necessary basics, like audio playback and tone generation, to advanced issues, like synchronized media playback, video capture, and live radio stream. The book incorporates a mobile phone to model these examples, in addition to the Java Wireless Toolkit emulators.

Enterprise Java Security

Enterprise Java Security: Building Secure J2EE Applications Addison Wesley February 2004 0-321-11889-8 608 Pages 3.9 MBBook Description:Enterprise Java™ Security: Building Secure J2EE™ Applications provides application developers and programmers with the know-how they need to utilize the latest Java security technologies in building secure enterprise infrastructures. Written by the leading Java security experts at IBM, this comprehensive guide covers the current status of the Java™ 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE), and Java™ 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE™), security architectures and offers practical solutions and usage patterns to address the challenges of Java security.To aid developers who need to build secure J2EE applications, Enterprise Java™ Security covers at length the J2EE security technologies, including the security aspects of servlets, JavaServer Pages(TM) (JSP™), and Enterprise JavaBeans™ (EJB™)—technologies that are at the core of the J2EE architecture. In addition, the book covers Web Services security.Examples and sample code are provided throughout the book to give readers a solid understanding of the underlying technology.The relationship between Java and cryptographic technologies is covered in great detail, including:* Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA)* Java Cryptography Extension (JCE)* Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS)* Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME)* Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE)

Download Rapidshare Ebook Java & XML

Java & XML (2006)by Brett McLaughlin, Justin EdelsonO'Reilly Media ISBN 059610149X December 1, 2006 CHM 465 Pages 3,7 MbJava and XML, 3rd Edition, shows you how to cut through all the hype about XML and put it to work. It teaches you how to use the APIs, tools, and tricks of XML to build real-world applications. The result is a new approach to managing information that touches everything from configuration files to web sites.After two chapters on XML basics, including XPath, XSL, DTDs, and XML Schema, the rest of the book focuses on using XML from your Java applications. This third edition of Java and XML covers all major Java XML processing libraries, including full coverage of the SAX, DOM, StAX, JDOM, and dom4j APIs as well as the latest version of the Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) and Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB). The chapters on web technology have been entirely rewritten to focus on the today's most relevant topics: syndicating content with RSS and creating Web 2.0 applications. You'll learn how to create, read, and modify RSS feeds for syndicated content and use XML to power the next generation of websites with Ajax and Adobe Flash.

Contemporary Qualitative Research

Contemporary Qualitative Research: Exemplars for Science and Mathematics Educators
Pages: 248

This volume offers a unique set of research exemplars for science, mathematics and technology educators. The volume explores the important challenge of how to translate leading-edge methodologies into practical research strategies and techniques. The book is divided into three major sections, The Golden Age of Research, Meeting the Research Crises and A New Era of Research, with chapters exploring a variety of methodologies and representational forms and texts. These include historical, narrative, literary, phenomenological, autobiographical, virtual and performance texts, among others.

Qualitative Research in Postmodern Times is an exciting and accessible book that will be essential reading for science, mathematics and technology educators interested in new forms of educational research. Beginning researchers will find it practically helpful in planning and conducting their research studies, while experienced researchers will welcome new theoretical insights into postmodern methodologies.

Controlled Simple Homotopy Theory and Applications

Controlled Simple Homotopy Theory and Applications
Pages: 94
password: twilightzone

Controlling Strategy

Controlling Strategy: Management, Accounting, and Performance Measurement
Pages: 200

Ideas about the role of management accounting systems in a firm's strategy have changed in recent years, and this book explores the ways in which this has happened. Management control systems have frequently been seen as irrelevant to strategy, or even damaging. Controlling Strategy draws out the various ways in which management control systems can build and sustain valuable strategic roles. The book explores topics such as: *Strategic measurement; *Strategic data analysis; *The Balanced Scorecard; *Capital budgeting; *Strategy coordination; Written as an introduction to the strategic role of management control systems Controlling Strategy provides a synthesis of important work in the fields of strategy and management accounting. Academics and Advanced Students of Accounting, Strategy, or Management Studies will find the book an indispensable guide to this area.

Convex Analysis in General Vector Spaces

Convex Analysis in General Vector Spaces
Pages: 367

The book consists of not optimization and algorithm, but convex analysis and theory.

Body Language at the workplace

Body Language at the workplace
Julius Fast..
Julius Fast lives in New York City. In addition to his expertise
as a writer and researcher, he has spent many years in
the business world, having held positions at Smith, Kline &
French, Perdue Fredericks, and the publications Science
and Medicine and Medical News. He has also given
numerous seminars to businesspeople and lawyers. Among
his books are Body Language, The Body Language of Sex,
Power, and Aggression, Talking Between the Lines, and
Sexual Chemistry.

be your own career consultant

Be your own career consultant
how to unlock your career potential and help yourself to your future.

Gary Pyke
Staurt Neath

First, a little background. In 1997 the authors were brought together
as part of a small team to help deliver a course aimed at teaching
people how to take ownership and responsibility for their own
careers within a given organization. Happy and excited to do so, we
joined in, got briefed and were asked to go away and run two
courses back-to-back. By the end of the second course we knew that
we had a major job on our hands.
The course did not hang together and had little or no common
thread. There was some unfortunate use of negative terminology and
words, and some of the tools and techniques needed upgrading,
throwing away or rewriting. We then set about rewriting and
redesigning large sections of the course, including the basic premise
on which it was based. Once done, the course has continued to run
until the present day, with the feedback from delegates being almost
unanimously excellent.
This book is a reflection of that course and contains much of what we
have incorporated into it. Our experience over the last five years is
that it works. We hope that it will work for you. .....

Click here to download the book.

1,001 Ways to Get Promoted

1,001 Ways to Get Promoted
by David E. Rye
Career Press
ISBN: 1564144305 Pub
Date: 01/01/00

The Challenge of Promoting Yourself
What does it mean to promote yourself? Is the promotion game worth spending your energy on?
Employees often get locked into playing the corporate game where someone else sets the speed of the
treadmill and dictates how fast to run. Conversely, playing the promotional game can be a lot of fun
because you control the speed of the treadmill and determine what promotional plays to use to move
yourself up the corporate ladder. If you play the game right, you’ll come out a winner and get promoted
along the way.
Let’s face it, business is a game where power and influence are required to get ahead. The object of the
game is simple enough: Determine where you want to be on the corporate ladder, and then try to get
there! Some people play the game for money, some for job security, others for recognition or personal
objectives. When you play the promotion game, you will need to make rapid, complex moves if you
want to win.
To successfully play the promotion game, you must first learn how the game is played and what
techniques or strategies it takes to win. Your challenge along the way will be to refine your moves to a
fine, cutting edge. Here’s how the game is played: There are seven essential promotional tenets that you
must learn to master in order to win. Like rungs in the ladder, once you have mastered one, you move up
the ladder to the next rung. Although each tenet is autonomous and distinct from the others, they all
interact to form a cohesive, interactive strategy that, if properly employed, will catapult you up to the top
of the ladder, where you will meet or exceed your most ambitious promotional dream.

.. click the link below for download.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

this si the first blog.. I will update it from 20th Jan 2008.. Planning to create a complete list of books of electrical and electronics soon.